Wrinkle Treatments

Wrinkle Treatments Consultation for:
Smooth lines and wrinkles, alter aesthetic appearance.

Dependent on treating area

Appointment Duration:
30-45 minutes

Minimal downtime

Pregancy Safe:
Depending on treatment

Wrinkles are often a sign of ageing caused by contractions in specific muscles, resulting in dynamic line formation when making facial expressions. Our registered nurses are dedicated to providing the highest standard in cosmetic aesthetics. We aim to offer a consultation to discuss your concerns and provide clear information about your treatment options.

Wrinkles form with the repeated use of facial muscles. Over time, the action of these muscles can cause creases in the skin. Along with other ageing related changes, such as loss of collagen in the skin, changes in facial bone structure and fat loss, these wrinkles can become present at rest.

Commonly consulted areas

  • Frown
  • Crow’s feet
  • Forehead
  • Chin
  • Neck
  • Jawline

Contact us or visit our clinic to know more about Wrinkle treatments.